Produced in Cuba
Video installation, images and documents,
five frames (100 x 70 cm)
Video, HD h.264, colour, stereo, 14:00 min
watch video on Vimeo
Since 2011 the Cuban government began implementing new reforms that would help promote the private sector. Over the years, some private businesses proved to be quite profitable and successful in their operations. However, the exponential growth of new businesses and rising private profit began presenting itself as a threat to the government. So it proceeded by halting the issue of new licenses, persecuting existing small businesses with high taxes and in many cases shutting them down altogether. As a result, high uncertainty set in. On the one hand, Cubans are discouraged from investing in new businesses and on the other hand, disillusionment is present among those who have already invested. Ultimately the State still controls all profit.
‘El Explote - Statistic Department’ aims to take advantage of the situation and transform it from a failing attempt of the private sector in Cuba into a source of income. The purpose of ‘El Explote’ - a private initiative set up by frustrated former and current entrepreneurs - is to track, classify, and archive each of these failed attempts of creating a private business within a centralised planned economy.
‘El Explote - Statistic Department’ aims to take advantage of the situation and transform it from a failing attempt of the private sector in Cuba into a source of income. The purpose of ‘El Explote’ - a private initiative set up by frustrated former and current entrepreneurs - is to track, classify, and archive each of these failed attempts of creating a private business within a centralised planned economy.